Thursday, May 24, 2012

I like how there was no irony in the song Ironic....

So, I was driving in my car yesterday and heard Alanis Morrisette's new song Guardian. It was so good and it made me remember how much I LOVED HER!! I was too young to really relate to anything she was singing about but I just admired how awesome she was. I knew every word to every song on my Jagged Little Pill cassette :)

My Favorite song off that album had to be Ironic. I remember it coming out when I was in 5th grade. I lived in Ann Arbor, MI and I went to Pattengil elementary and I had Mr. Hatt as my teacher. We had just moved to Michigan from Pennsylvania and I was not happy about the change. I was on my third elementary school and I just wanted the year to be over. It was pretty cool though because we lived in the Residence Inn hotel because my dad had gotten transfered. We got to eat out everyday and the place was amazing. But...getting back to the song....I remember I couldn't go to sleep without hearing the song on the radio. I would stay up and have my ear right on the speaker of my alarm clock constantly changing the channel trying to hear that song. I was so happy when my parents finally bought me the cassette and I could play the song over and over. As you can see I still have my cassette and I will NEVER let it go!

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